Fixed plugin connection loading issues
Jul 17, 2024cli

Bug fixes

  • Fixed issue where local Docker config for the credential store was used when installing plugins from GHCR, enabling installation from GHCR to work even if docker-credential-desktop is not in PATH. (#4323)
  • Fixed issue where Steampipe returned a 0 exit code even if it failed to export a snapshot. (#4276)
  • Fixed issue where the query command did not support the legacy 'true' and 'false' values for the --timing flag. (#4282)
  • Fixed issue where SPS output was not working. (#4297)
  • Fixed issue where loading connection plugins did not return successfully created connections if some connections failed due to the configuration not being available. (#474)
  • Fixed issue where scan info in query JSON output was shown even when the timing configuration was not set to verbose. (#4292)