AWS plugin v0.127.0 - Added aws_appsync_graphql_api and aws_mq_broker tables and fixed custom HTTP client to allow buildable settings through env var options such as AWS_CA_BUNDLE
Jan 10, 2024plugin

What's new?


  • Added storage_throughput column to aws_rds_db_instance table. (#2010) (Thanks @toddwh50 for the contribution!)
  • Added layers column to aws_lambda_function table. (#2008) (Thanks @icaliskanoglu for the contribution!)
  • Added tags column to aws_backup_recovery_point and aws_backup_vault tables. (#2033)

Bug fixes

  • Custom HTTP client should allow buildable settings through env var options such as AWS_CA_BUNDLE. (#2044)
  • Fixed MaxItems in aws_iam_policy and aws_iam_policy_attachment tables to use 1000 instead of 100 to avoid unnecessary API calls. (#2025) (#2026)