AWS plugin v0.134.0 - Added aws_backup_job, aws_elastic_beanstalk_application_version, aws_rds_db_engine_version, aws_s3_object_version and aws_servicequotas_service tables and fixed pagination in the aws_ebs_snapshot table to make fewer API calls
Mar 29, 2024plugin

What's new?

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the aws_vpc_eip table to return an Access Denied error instead of an Invalid Memory Address or Nil Pointer Dereference error when a Service Control Policy is applied to an account for a specific region. (#2136)
  • Fixed the aws_s3_bucket terraform script to prevent the AccessControlListNotSupported: The bucket does not allow ACLs error during the PutBucketAcl terraform call. (#2080) (Thanks @pdecat for the contribution!)
  • Fixed an issue where querying regional tables while using AWS profiles with cross-account role credentials results in the correct error being reported instead of zero rows. (#2137)
  • Fixed pagination in the aws_ebs_snapshot table to make fewer API calls when the limit parameter is passed to the query. (#2088)