Writing Control Output Templates
Export formats for the steampipe check command are governed by a set of templates based on the golang text/template package. For each output format there is a directory, in ~/.steampipe/check/templates/
, that minimally includes a file called output.tmpl
. The name of the directory defines the name of an output format. The content of output.tmpl
defines how to unpack and format an object, called Data
, that's passed to the template.
Example of a simple template
Here is a template that defines a new summary
output format.
{{ define "output" }}{{ range .Data.Root.Groups }}Summary for {{ .Title }}{{ end }}total: {{ .Data.Root.Summary.Status.TotalCount }}passed: {{ .Data.Root.Summary.Status.PassedCount }}failed: {{ .Data.Root.Summary.Status.FailedCount }}skipped: {{ .Data.Root.Summary.Status.Skip }}{{ end }}
Once installed as ~/.steampipe/check/templates/summary/output.tmpl
, this command prints a summary.
cd ~/steampipe-mod-zoom-compliancesteampipe check --output=summary all
Summary for Zoom Compliancetotal: 185passed: 119failed: 66skipped: 0
This command puts the above output into the file output.summary
steampipe check --export=output.summary all
This command produces an inferred filename like all-20220119-111307.summary
steampipe check --export=summary all
This command produces the fully-qualified name output.asff.json
steampipe check --export=output.asff.json all
Data available to the template
Steampipe sends an object with a Data
field of type controlexecute.ExecutionTree, the structure that represents control hierarchy. Templates typically use fields of structs defined in ControlRun, ResultGroup, ResultRow, and StatusSummary.