steampipe dashboard

Powerpipe is now the recommended way to run dashboards and benchmarks! Mods still work as normal in Steampipe for now, but they are deprecated and will be removed in a future release:

Run the Steampipe Dashboard server.

The Dashboard loads the mod in the current working directory or the --mod-location and listens for changes to dashboards defined in the mod.


Run Steampipe Dashboard interactively:

steampipe dashboard [flags]

Take a snapshot or export of a single dashboard (non-interactively):

steampipe dashboard {dashboard name} [flags]

List available dashboards:

steampipe dashboard list


Argument Description
--browser bool Specify whether to launch the browser after starting the dashboard server (default true).
--cloud-host Sets the Turbot Pipes host used when connecting to Turbot Pipes workspaces. DEPRECATED - Use --pipes-host.
--cloud-token Sets the Turbot Pipes authentication token used when connecting to Turbot Pipes workspaces. DEPRECATED - Use --pipes-token.
--dashboard-input string=string Specify the value of a dashboard input. Multiple --dashboard-input arguments may be passed.
--dashboard-listen string Accept connections from local (localhost only) or network (default local).
--dashboard-port int Dashboard webserver port (default 9194).
--export string Export dashboard output to a file. Supported export formats are none, sps (snapshot).
--help Help for steampipe dashboard.
--input Enable/Disable interactive prompts for missing variables. To disable prompts and fail on missing variables, use --input=false. This is useful when running from scripts. (default true)
--max-parallel integer Set the maximum number of database connections to open. See the STEAMPIPE_MAX_PARALLEL environment variable documentation for details. (default 10).
--mod-install bool Specify whether to install mod dependencies before running the dashboard (default true).
--mod-location Sets the Steampipe workspace working directory. If not specified, the workspace directory will be set to the current working directory. See STEAMPIPE_MOD_LOCATION for details.
--output string Select the console output format. Possible values are none, sps (snapshot) (default none).
--pipes-host Sets the Turbot Pipes host used when connecting to Turbot Pipes workspaces. See PIPES_HOST for details.
--pipes-token Sets the Turbot Pipes authentication token used when connecting to Turbot Pipes workspaces. See PIPES_TOKEN for details.
--progress Enable or disable progress information. By default, progress is shown - set --progress=false to hide the progress information.
--search-path strings Set a comma-separated list of connections to use as a custom search path for the dashboard run.
--search-path-prefix strings Set a comma-separated list of connections to use as a prefix to the current search path for the dashboard run.
--share Create snapshot in Turbot Pipes with anyone_with_link visibility.
--snapshot Create snapshot in Turbot Pipes with the default (workspace) visibility.
--snapshot-location string The location to write snapshots - either a local file path or a Turbot Pipes workspace
--snapshot-tag string=string Specify tags to set on the snapshot. Multiple --snapshot-tag arguments may be passed.
--snapshot-title string=string The title to give a snapshot when uploading to Turbot Pipes.
--var string=string Specify the value of a mod variable. Multiple --var arguments may be passed.
--var-file string Specify an .spvars file containing mod variable values.
--workspace-database Sets the database that Steampipe will connect to. This can be local (the default) or a remote Turbot Pipes database. See STEAMPIPE_WORKSPACE_DATABASE for details.


Start the dashboard server and launch the browser to the dashboard home page:

steampipe dashboard

Start the dashboard server, but don't open the browser:

steampipe dashboard --browser=false

List the dashboards available to run in the current mod context:

steampipe dashboard list

Run a dashboard and save a snapshot:

steampipe dashboard --snapshot aws_insights.dashboard.aws_account_report

Run a dashboard and share a snapshot:

steampipe dashboard --share aws_insights.dashboard.aws_account_report

Run a dashboard and save a snapshot, specifying inputs:

steampipe dashboard --snapshot --dashboard-input vpc_id=vpc-9d7ae1e7 \