steampipe mod

Steampipe mod management.

Mods provide an easy way to share Steampipe queries, controls, and benchmarks. Find mods using the public registry at


steampipe mod [command]

Available Commands:

initInitialize the current directory with a mod.sp file
installInstall one or more mods and their dependencies
listList currently installed mods
uninstallUninstall a mod and its dependencies
update Update one or more mods and their dependencies
--dry-runShow which mods would be installed/updated/uninstalled without modifying them (default false).
--mod-locationSets the Steampipe workspace working directory. If not specified, the workspace directory will be set to the current working directory. See STEAMPIPE_MOD_LOCATION for details.
--pruneRemove unused mods and dependencies when doing mod update and mod install (default true).


List installed mods:

steampipe mod list

Install a mod and add the require statement to your mod.sp:

steampipe mod install

Install an exact version of a mod and update the require statement to your mod.sp. This may upgrade or downgrade the mod if it is already installed:

steampipe mod install

Install a version of a mod using a semver constraint and update the require statement to your mod.sp. This may upgrade or downgrade the mod if it is already installed:

steampipe mod install'^1'

Install all mods specified in the mod.sp and their dependencies:

steampipe mod install

Preview what steampipe mod install will do, without actually installing anything:

steampipe mod install --dry-run

Update a mod to the latest version allowed by its current constraint:

steampipe mod update

Update all mods specified in the mod.sp and their dependencies to the latest versions that meet their constraints, and install any that are missing:

steampipe mod update

Uninstall a mod:

steampipe mod uninstall

Preview uninstalling a mod, but don't uninstall it:

steampipe mod uninstall --dry-run