AWS plugin v0.130.0 - Optimized aws_cloudwatch_log_stream and aws_ssm_inventory table's query performance by adding new optional key qual columns
Feb 02, 2024plugin


  • Optimized aws_cloudwatch_log_stream table's query performance by adding descending, log_group_name, log_stream_name_prefix and order_by new optional key qual columns. (#1951)
  • Optimized aws_ssm_inventory table's query performance by adding new optional key qual columns such as filter_key, filter_value, network_attribute_key, network_attribute_value, etc. (#1980)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed aws_cloudwatch_log_group table key column to be globally unique by filtering the results by region. (#1976)
  • Removed duplicate memoizing of getCommonColumns function from aws_s3_multi_region_access_point and aws_ec2_launch_template tables.(#2065)
  • Fixed error for column type_name in table aws_ssm_inventory_entry. (#1980)
  • Added the missing rate-limiter tags for aws_s3_bucket table's GetBucketLocation hydrate function to optimize query performance. (#2066)