Steampipe Table & Column Standards


  • Use snake_case for all table and column names.

  • Table names are in the format {plugin}_{service}_{resource_type}. Generally, table names should match the corresponding Terraform resource name.

  • Use singular form (not plural) for table names, e.g. aws_s3_bucket, not aws_s3_buckets.

  • For columns derived from nested object fields, the column should contain the path, snake cased. For example Foo.Bar.Baz should will be in a column named foo_bar_baz:

  • Use Terraform as a strong inspiration for field names, when to expand arrays, etc. Being consistent with Terraform is a desirable, and minimum position. Standard columns are an exception and should be consistent in our tables regardless of the Terraform name (they will very rarely conflict anyway)

  • When naming columns for which there is no direct equivalent:

    • Where the field contains an arn or arns, explicitly suffix with _arn:
      • Good: attached_policy_arns
      • Bad: attached_policies
    • Where the field contains an id, explicitly suffix with _id:
      • Good: aws_account_id
      • Bad: aws_account
    • Where the field contains a name but references something that may also have an id or arn, explicitly suffix with _name:
      • Good: role_name
      • Bad: role

Standard Columns

ALL tables that represent a resource should contain the following standard columns:

Column NameData TypeDescription
titleColumnType_STRINGThe display name for this resource.
akasColumnType_JSONA JSON array of AKAs (also-known-as) that uniquely identify this resource. The format of the AKAs varies by plugin (arns in aws, resource paths for azure) but they must be unique and should be immutable.
tagsColumnType_JSONThe tags on this resource, as a map of key:value pairs. Many resources support tags, though not all in the same format. If the provider tags are in a different format, expose them in the native format in a tags_raw column, and convert them to key:value map in the tags column. When tags are simple labels with no key:value (like Github issue labels), use the format label:true.

You may choose to define additional standard columns that are specific to your plugin as well, and it is recommended to do so when appropriate. For example, we define standard columns for our cloud provider plugins:

  • AWS
    • partition
    • account_id
    • region
  • Azure
    • subscription_id
    • resource_group
    • region
  • Google
    • project
    • location

Data Types

Use the appropriate data type so that you can search and filter intelligently. Most of this is fairly self-explanatory but there are a couple items worth pointing out:

  • Steampipe does not support native Postgres arrays - use ColumnType_JSON for arrays
  • There are 2 valid IP address formats, ColumnType_IPADDR and ColumnType_CIDR which correspond to Postgres inet and cidr data types:
    • Use ColumnType_IPADDR for single ip address -
    • Use ColumnType_IPADDR when a file can either be a single single ip address OR a cidr range -,
    • Use ColumnType_CIDR for cidr ranges that are ALWAYS represented as a cidr -,
    • The essential difference between ColumnType_IPADDR and ColumnType_CIDR data types is that ColumnType_IPADDR accepts values with nonzero bits to the right of the netmask, whereas ColumnType_CIDR does not. For example, is valid for ColumnType_IPADDR but not for ColumnType_CIDR.

Table and Column Descriptions

  • While technically optional, all tables and columns should contain a Description. This is added as a comment in the postgres schema and will be used:
    • To show more info within the cli in the .inspect command.
    • To generate help/reference documentation on
  • The descriptions should be pretty brief (1-2 sentences), and generally should be taken from the provider's API docs.
  • The descriptions should start with a capital letter, and end with a period.

Column Defaults and null

In general, use null when a field isn't present instead of setting a default.

Standardized Structure

  • Arrays should be stored in their native format as jsonb.

  • Fields containing an array of deep and important information (e.g. security group rules) may be expanded into a separate table. For example, aws_vpc_security_groups has an associated table of aws_vpc_security_group_rules. Use this model when the data is both important to query and large in scale.

  • Cloud providers sometimes store data in an array, even if they only ever have one value (e.g. AWS Subnet IPv6 CIDR Associations). In this case, you may choose to expand to columns as if there was a single object.

    • The original field (e.g. foo) should NOT be used, and should NOT have the full JSON array. Instead, we exclude the array data (it's noisy), but leave the field name available in case the provider actually uses an array in the future.
    • Generally, nested object fields like Foo.Bar.Baz are stored as foo_bar_baz - see Naming
  • JSON objects should be stored as ColumnType_JSON (jsonb), not a delimited string. If the JSON contains sub-objects that are json as string, convert to json (for example inline policies in AWS roles).

  • For JSON/YAML objects fields, if the raw format is also useful in itself (for example, the template_body in aws_cloudformation_stack), you may choose to create 2 columns:

    • fieldname_src: The string representation as ColumnType_STRING.
    • fieldname: The object representation as ColumnType_JSON (for joining, querying, etc).
  • Some JSON/YAML fields may allow multiple schema formats to represent the same object. For example, AWS IAM policies allow you to specify an array of Actions, or a single Action as a string, and are not case sensitive. In such a case, it is often useful to convert all of these objects to the same format to simplify searching and filtering. In such a case, you should keep the original object format in the fieldname column, and add an additional fieldname_std column in the standardized format.

  • Some fields are base64 encoded in the cloud provider's API. These can be evaluated on a case-by-case basis, but generally they should be decoded - If someone wants the column, they more than likely want to view or search the decoded text.

  • Key columns should appear first, then the rest added alphabetically, then "standard" columns last. Note that help (.inspect, online docs) order the columns alphabetically regardless of the order in the create table statement.