Writing Your First Table


The Steampipe Plugin SDK makes writing tables fast, easy, and fun! This guide will walk you through building the AWS plugin locally, testing a minor change, and then how to start creating a new table.


Clone the Repository

  1. Clone the Steampipe Plugin AWS repository:

    git clone https://github.com/turbot/steampipe-plugin-aws.git
    cd steampipe-plugin-aws

Build and Run Locally

  1. Copy the default config/aws.spc into ~/.steampipe/config. If not using the default AWS profile, please see AWS plugin for more information on connection configuration.

    cp config/aws.spc ~/.steampipe/config/aws.spc
  2. Run make to build the plugin locally and install the new version to your ~/.steampipe/plugins directory:

  3. Launch the Steampipe query shell:

    steampipe query
  4. Test basic functionality:

    .inspect aws
    select name, region from aws_s3_bucket;

Make Your First Change

  1. Edit the aws/table_aws_s3_bucket.go table file.

  2. Locate the definition for the name column:

    Name: "name",
    Description: "The user friendly name of the bucket.",
    Type: proto.ColumnType_STRING,
  3. Copy the code above and create a duplicate column name_test:

    Name: "name_test",
    Description: "Testing new column.",
    Type: proto.ColumnType_STRING,
    Transform: transform.FromField("Name"),
  4. Save your changes in aws/table_aws_s3_bucket.go.

  5. Run make to re-build the plugin:

  6. Launch the Steampipe query shell:

    steampipe query
  7. Test your changes by inspecting and querying the new column:

    .inspect aws_s3_bucket
    select name, name_test, region from aws_s3_bucket;
  8. The name and name_test columns should have the same data in them for each bucket.

  9. Undo your changes in aws/table_aws_s3_bucket.go once done testing:

    git restore aws/table_aws_s3_bucket.go

Create a New Table

  1. Create a new file in aws/, copying an existing table and following the table naming standards in Steampipe Table & Column Standards:

    cp aws/table_aws_s3_bucket.go aws/table_aws_new_table.go
  2. Check if the AWS service has a service connection function in aws/service.go already; if not, add a new function in aws/service.go.

  3. Add an entry for the new table into the TableMap in aws/plugin.go. For more information on this file, please see Writing Plugins - plugin.go.

  4. Update the code in your new table so the table returns the correct information for its AWS resource.

  5. Add a document for the table in docs/tables/ following the Table Documentation Standards.
