Authenticate to AWS with OIDC

If you run Steampipe in a GitHub Action you can use GitHub Actions Secrets to store the credentials that Steampipe uses to access AWS, Azure, GCP, or another cloud API. But what if you don't want to persist credentials there? An alternative is to use OpenID Connect (OIDC) to enable an Actions workflow that acquires temporary credentials on demand.

The example shown in this post uses the OIDC method in a workflow that:

  1. Installs Steampipe (along with a cloud-specific plugin).
  2. Runs a Steampipe query and saves the output in the repository.

What is OIDC?

OpenID Connect 1.0 is an identity layer on top of the OAuth 2.0 protocol. It enables clients to verify the identity of the End-User based on the authentication performed by an Authorization Server, as well as to obtain basic profile information about the End-User in an interoperable and REST-like manner.

Define the workflow

First, we must create the GitHub Actions workflow file in your repository. For this example we will use the filename .github/workflows/steampipe.yml


GitHub supports a variety of event-driven triggers. Here we define two: workflow_dispatch to manually run a workflow and schedule to run on a cron-like schedule. To trigger the workflow_dispatch event, your workflow must be in the default branch.


Every time your job runs, GitHub's OIDC Provider auto-generates an OIDC token. This token contains multiple claims to establish a security-hardened and verifiable identity about the workflow that is trying to authenticate. In order to request this OIDC JWT ID token, your job or workflow run requires a permissions setting with id-token: write.

In order to checkout to the GitHub repository and to save the query results to the repository, your job or workflow run also requires a permissions setting with contents: write.


A workflow comprises one or more jobs that run in parallel, each with one or more steps that run in order. Our example defines a single job with a series of steps that authenticate to AWS, install Steampipe, run a query and save the results to the repository.

First, create a step that configures the credentials Steampipe will use to access AWS.

Once the cloud provider successfully validates the claims presented in the OIDC JWT ID token, it then provides a short-lived access token that is available only for the duration of the job. The short-lived access token is exported as environment variables AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY and AWS_SESSION_TOKEN. Steampipe will load these short-lived credentials from environment variables to run the query.

Next, you'll need to create a step that installs the Steampipe CLI and AWS plugin.

Before running the query, create a new folder on the branch specified in your GitHub repository to save the query output. In our example, we will save the output to the folder steampipe/output/aws. The default environment variable GITHUB_WORKSPACE refers to the default working directory on the runner for steps, and the default location of your repository when using the checkout action.

Next, create a step that runs the query and outputs the results to CSV.

Finally, add a step that pushes the output of the query to your repository. Update the working-directory to the folder created in the above step.

Configuring GitHub's OIDC provider for AWS

In order for AWS to trust GitHub, you must configure OIDC as an identity provider in your AWS account. GitHub's Security hardening your deployments page has instructions for using OpenID Connect with various providers. If you prefer AWS CloudFormation, you can make use of this link to get started. To help you follow those instructions we have created a Terraform sample.

This guide will demonstrate the Terraform implementation. This Terraform script will create two AWS resources, an Identity provider and IAM Role in your account. These resources together form an OIDC trust between the AWS IAM role and your GitHub workflow(s) that need access to the cloud. In order to execute the Terraform code and deploy the resources GitHub needs, you will need local credentials for the target AWS account. This can be via AWS Identity Center, IAM User Access Keys, or via environment variables. Regardless of how you authenticate, the permissions required to deploy the Terraform code must have permission to create IAM resources.


Update the default.tfvars file for the below variables.

  • github_repo: GitHub repository that needs the access token. Example: octo-org/octo-repo
  • github_branch: GitHub branch that runs the workflow. If you plan to trigger the workflow through schedule, then this must be the default branch. If you plan to run the workflow manually, this can be any branch. Example: master
  • aws_iam_role_name: Name of the AWS IAM Role to create. Example: steampipe_gh_oidc_demo


Navigate to the folder where the Terraform sample for AWS is cloned. Run the below commands to create necessary resources in your AWS Account.

Successful execution of the above will give a Terraform output value of OIDC_AWS_ROLE_TO_ASSUME. This the ARN of the IAM role that handles the OIDC federation. Add OIDC_AWS_ROLE_TO_ASSUME and its value to the GitHub Secret in your repository as shown below.


Login to your AWS account to verify that Terraform has created the following resources.

  • AWS > IAM > Identity provider >
  • AWS > IAM > Role (rolename: steampipe_gh_oidc_demo)

The AWS IAM console should show the identity provider as follows.

The IAM Role(steampipe_gh_oidc_demo) should show the following trust relationship.

Running the workflow on-demand

The job will run on schedule, but it's always helpful to run manually for sanity-check. Make sure you select the correct branch when executing this manually, this should be listed in the Trust Relationships of your IAM Role. (github_branch variable in the Terraform script).

Upon successful run of the GitHub action(schedule or manual run), the Steampipe query result is automatically pushed to your GitHub repository.