steampipe service

Steampipe service management.

steampipe service allows you to run Steampipe as a local service, exposing it as a database endpoint for connection from any Postgres-compatible database client.


steampipe service [command]


restartRestart Steampipe service
startStart Steampipe in service mode
statusStatus of the Steampipe service
stopStop Steampipe service


FlagApplies toDescription
--dashboardstartStart the dashboard web server with the database service
--dashboard-listen stringstartAccept dashboard connections from: local (localhost only) or network (open)
--dashboard-port intstartDashboard web server port (default 9194)
--database-listen stringstartAccept database connections from: local (localhost only) or network (open)
--database-password stringstartSet the steampipe database password for this session. See STEAMPIPE_DATABASE_PASSWORD for additional information
--database-port intstartDatabase service port (default 9193)
--forcestop, restartForces the service to shutdown, releasing all open connections and ports
--foregroundstartRun the service in the foreground
--mod-location stringstartSets the Steampipe workspace working directory. If not specified, the workspace directory will be set to the current working directory. See STEAMPIPE_MOD_LOCATION for details (only applies if '--dashboard' flag is also set)
--show-passwordstart, statusView database password for connecting from another machine (default false)
--var stringArraystartSpecify the value of a variable (only applies if '--dashboard' flag is also set)
--var-file stringsstartSpecify an .spvar file containing variable values (only applies if '--dashboard' flag is also set)
--allstatusBypass the --install-dir and print status of all running services


Start Steampipe in the background (service mode):

steampipe service start

Start Steampipe on port 9194

steampipe service start --database-port 9194

Start the Steampipe service with a custom password:

steampipe service start --database-password MyCustomPassword

Start Steampipe on localhost only

steampipe service start --database-listen local

Start Steampipe with dashboard

steampipe service start --dashboard

Start Steampipe with dashboard running on localhost only

steampipe service start --dashboard --dashboard-listen local

Start Steampipe with dashboard running on port 9195

steampipe service start --dashboard --dashboard-port 9195

Stop the Steampipe service:

steampipe service stop

Forcefully kill all Steampipe services:

steampipe service stop --force

View Steampipe service status:

steampipe service status

View Steampipe service status and display the database password:

steampipe service status --show-password

View status of all running Steampipe services:

steampipe service status --all

Restart the Steampipe service:

steampipe service restart