
The connection block defines a Steampipe plugin connection or aggregator.

Most connection arguments are plugin-specific, and they are used to specify credentials, accounts, and other options. The Steampipe Hub provides detailed information about the arguments for each plugin.

Supported options

import_schemaenabledenabled, disabledEnable or disable the creation of a Postgres schema for this connection. When import_schema is disabled, Steampipe will not create a schema for the connection (and will delete it if it exists), but the connection will still be queryable from any aggregator that includes it. For installations with a large number of connections, setting import_schema to disabled can decrease startup time and increase performance.
pluginnoneplugin version string or plugin referenceThe plugin version / instance that this connection uses. This must refer to an installed plugin version.
typepluginplugin, aggregatorThe type of connection - plugin connection or aggregator.
{plugin argument}variesvariesAdditional options are defined in each plugin - refer to the documentation for your plugin on the Steampipe Hub.

Plugin Version Strings

Steampipe plugin versions are in the format:

[{organization}/]{plugin name}[@release stream]

The {organization} is optional, and if it is not specified, it is assumed to be turbot. The {release stream} is also optional, and defaults to @latest. As a result, plugin version are usually simple plugin names:

connection "net" {
plugin = "net" # this is the same as turbot/net@latest

You may specify a specific version:

connection "net" {
plugin = "net@0.6.0"

Or a release stream:

connection "net" {
plugin = "net@0.6"

For third-party plugins, the {organization} must be specified:

connection "scalingo" {
plugin = "francois2metz/scalingo"

You can even use a local path while developing plugins:

connection "myplugin" {
plugin = "local/myplugin"


Connections using plugin version strings:

connection "aws_all" {
type = "aggregator"
plugin = "aws"
connections = ["aws_*"]
connection "aws_01" {
plugin = "aws"
profile = "aws_01"
regions = ["*"]
connection "aws_02" {
plugin = "aws"
import_schema = "disabled"
profile = "aws_02"
regions = ["us-*", "eu-*"]
connection "aws_03" {
plugin = "aws"
aws_access_key_id = AKIA4YFAKEKEYXTDS252
aws_secret_access_key = SH42YMW5p3EThisIsNotRealzTiEUwXN8BOIOF5J8m
regions = ["us-east-1", "us-west-2"]

Connections using plugin reference:

plugin "aws" {
memory_max_mb = 2048
connection "aws_all" {
type = "aggregator"
plugin =
connections = ["aws_*"]
connection "aws_01" {
plugin =
profile = "aws_01"
regions = ["*"]
connection "aws_02" {
plugin =
import_schema = "disabled"
profile = "aws_02"
regions = ["us-*", "eu-*"]