Sets the diagnostic level. Supported levels are ALL, NONE. By default, the diagnostic level is NONE.



When enabled, diagnostics information will appear in the _ctx column for all tables:

> select jsonb_pretty(_ctx),display_name from aws_sns_topic limit 1
| jsonb_pretty | display_name |
| { | |
| "connection": "aws_dev_01", | |
| "diagnostics": { | |
| "calls": [ | |
| { | |
| "type": "list", | |
| "scope_values": { | |
| "table": "aws_sns_topic", | |
| "action": "ListTopics", | |
| "region": "us-east-1", | |
| "service": "sns", | |
| "connection": "aws_dev_01" | |
| }, | |
| "function_name": "listAwsSnsTopics", | |
| "rate_limiters": [ | |
| "sns_list_topics", | |
| "aws_global_concurrency" | |
| ], | |
| "rate_limiter_delay_ms": 0 | |
| }, | |
| { | |
| "type": "hydrate", | |
| "scope_values": { | |
| "table": "aws_sns_topic", | |
| "action": "GetTopicAttributes", | |
| "region": "us-east-1", | |
| "service": "sns", | |
| "connection": "aws_dev_01" | |
| }, | |
| "function_name": "getTopicAttributes", | |
| "rate_limiters": [ | |
| "sns_get_topic_attributes_us_east_1", | |
| "aws_global_concurrency" | |
| ], | |
| "rate_limiter_delay_ms": 107 | |
| } | |
| ] | |
| } | |
| } | |

The diagnostics information includes information about each Get, List, and Hydrate function that was called to fetch the row, including:

typeThe type of function (list, get, or hydrate).
function_nameThe name of the function.
scope_valuesA map of scope names to values. This includes the built-in scopes as well as any matrix qualifier scopes and function tags.
rate_limitersA list of the rate limiters that are scoped to the function.
rate_limiter_delay_msThe amount of time (in milliseconds) that Steampipe waited before calling this function due to client-side (limiter) rate limiting.