Specify which OpenTelemetry data to send via OTLP. Accepted values are:

ALLSend Metrics and Traces via OTLP
METRICSSend Metrics via OTLP
NONEDo not send OpenTelemetry data (default)
TRACESend Traces via OTLP

Steampipe is instrumented with the Open Telemetry SDK which supports the standard SDK environment variables. If OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT is not specified, Steampipe will default to localhost:4317.

Currently, Steampipe only supports OTLP/gRPC.

The Steampipe Plugin SDK added OpenTelemetry support in version 3.3.0 - plugins must be compiled with v3.3.0 or later.


Trace a single query and send to default endpoint (localhost:4317):

Turn on Metrics and Tracing for the session: