
Powerpipe is now the recommended way to run dashboards and benchmarks! Mods still work as normal in Steampipe for now, but they are deprecated and will be removed in a future release:

A container groups and arranges related items within a dashboard. For example, you may want to group together a number of different charts for a specific AWS service.

Containers can only be declared as anonymous blocks inside a dashboard or container.

Example Usage

container {
title = "Side by Side Container Example"
container {
width = 6
card {
sql = "select 1 as \"Left Side\""
card {
sql = "select 2 as \"Left Side\""
container {
width = 6
card {
sql = "select 1 as \"Right Side\""
card {
sql = "select 2 as \"Right Side\""

Argument Reference

baseDashboard or Container ReferenceOptionalA reference to a named dashboard or container that this container should source its definition from. title and width can be overridden after sourcing via base.
benchmarkBlockOptionalbenchmark blocks to embed benchmarks in the dashboard.
chartBlockOptionalchart blocks to visualize SQL data in a number of ways e.g. bar, column, line, pie
containerBlockOptionalcontainer blocks to lay out related components together in a dashboard.
flowBlockOptionalflow blocks to visualize flows using types such as sankey.
hierarchyBlockOptionalhierarchy blocks to visualize hierarchical data using types such as tree.
imageBlockOptionalimage blocks to embed images in dashboards. Supports static URLs, or can be derived from SQL.
inputBlockOptionalinput blocks to make dynamic dashboards based on user-provided input.
tableBlockOptionaltable blocks to show tabular data in a dashboard.
textBlockOptionaltext blocks to add GitHub-flavoured markdown to a dashboard.
titleStringOptionalA plain text title to display for this container.
widthNumberOptionalThe width as a number of grid units that this item should consume from its parent.